Disempower Your Inner Critic
Many of us will be familiar with a negative voice in our head that constantly criticises and judges us. It’s the voice that tells us we are not clever enough, not likeable enough, that we are too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, or bad all around. This voice has many names: inner critic, judge, saboteur, demon, gremlin, chimp, superego, negative self-talk, the monster in the cave, the beast within. Whatever works for you.
This inner critic is never satisfied and can soil and spoil anything we do, are and achieve – no matter how impressive. It bullies and belittles us. It filters out what is good. It magnifies the negative and spreads discontent, and worse, in our lives. Our inner critic makes us live in a negative trance. It can truly poison our lived experience. It can be a cruel and deeply damaging force, draining our energy from within.
This audio trance contains suggestions for meeting and understanding our inner critic, for giving it a name and a gestalt, and for disempowering it by “defusing” from what it tells us.
Defusion is a powerful metacognitive technique from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that invites us to become the observer of our thoughts rather than identifying with these thoughts. It allows us to generate critical distance between ourselves and the thoughts that do not serve us so that we are no longer entangled in these thoughts. This trance contains suggestions for learning to ignore our inner critic and to listen to other, wiser voices within us, including the voice of our inner sage.
This trance works best when you can close your eyes and fully and safely relax completely. Headphones really enhance the experience. Never listen to these trances whilst driving.