This guided audio trance is designed to boost your confidence. It includes powerful suggestions about feeling rooted, anchored, grounded, and connected - in touch and aligned with your feelings, thoughts, and desires.
It invites you to focus your energy both inwards and outwards - on what you want and feel and believe and value, and on the people with whom you interact. For attention is power. Confidence is when you can attend to others without losing yourself. When you can stay fully present and connected and at the same time able to focus on other people, too.
This audio trance also invites you to imagine yourself in highly resourceful states and allows you to visualise a situation in which you want to be confident. You can mentally rehearse this situation and prime your subconscious mind for success.
This trance works best when you can close your eyes and fully and safely relax completely. Headphones really enhance the experience. Never listen to these trances whilst driving.